features of godashboard
Main features
- Company wide Absences Management
- Company wide Time and Attendance Management
- Fully integrated Absences Management with Time and Attendance Management as well as with GoPayroll
- Unlimited number of employees
- Unlimited number of login users
- Unlimited number of companies (subject to licensing)
- 12-month calendar of absences in a particular calendar year per employee in one full view
- Monthly calendar of absences of employees falling within the authority of managers or supervisors, as well as by Department
- 3 levels of absences management authorization
- Instant popup of pending absences awaiting authorization from managers
- Full email functionality between managers and employees when applying/authorizing/refusing absences
- Option to limit absence bookings by certain employees to certain types of absences only
- Option to allow certain employees to self-authorize their absences
- Automatically restrict employees from applying for absences on weekends, Public Holidays, or any other days outside their work schedule.
- Fully customizable colour coding of different absence types
- Facility to allow employees to print their own pay slips (coming soon)
- Facility to allow employees to print their own FS3 (coming soon)
- Login restrictions and other security features
- Many other features